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Entries and fees must be post marked by April 18, 2008. 

•  Entry Criteria for the 2008 USMRA CHAMPIONSHIP:

    • Handler must be a USMRA member (memberships will not be        issued at this event, international competitors are exempt)

    • Dog has a recognized scorebook (scorebooks will not be issued        at this event)

    • Dog may enter for any level he is qualified to enter. (May begin a        level, or repeat an earned level. ) Will not be allowed to move up        from one level to the next within the Championship.

    • The national champion will be a dog/handler team from the USA.

    • International competitors may enter, but will not be recognized        as the USMRA champion.

    • Entries must be received on or before April 18, 2008

    • Every effort will be made to accomodate all entries, but US        entries will take priority in this national event.

Disqualifications and Dismissals:

    • The rules of USMRA apply for the 2008 USMRA National       Championship competition. The Judge has the right to disqualify       the handler on grounds of poor sportsmanship, lack of control of       dog that hinders or endangers the competition, carrying of       motivational objects, violations against trial rules and regulations,       or animal protection rights or other ill-natured actions.

Fees: $70.00 for Club Brevet
             $80.00 for Mondioring 1
             $90.00 for Mondioring 2
             $100.00 for Mondioring 3

• All entries MUST INCLUDE:
      • Entry Form
      • Entry Fee
      • Copy of USMRA membership number (for USA contestants,          International number for all others)
      • Copy of Scorebook showing number, dog's name, and final          scored entry

• All Handlers MUST submit ORIGINAL documents at the trial:
      • Scorebook of the dog entered
      • Valid Rabies Certification of dog entered
      • Entry Form: Print, complete and mail entry form along with
         fees, USMRA membership number and copy of scorebook to:

Tammy Doherty
USMRA Treasurer
107 Sharps Drive
Bergheim, TX 78004